Latest For the Record Bowling Green Daily News


Warren County grand jury returns indictments

The following people were indicted March 12 by a Warren County grand jury: Nicholas Dean Bures, AKA Dean ...

For the Record

Building permits

Bowling Green Trimbley Pool & Spa, 175 Village Way (Logan Brewer), pool, $82,200. Husk Signs, 1325 Andrea St. ...

For the Record

Restaurant inspections

Restaurant inspections for March 5-12, according to the Barren River District Health Department: Sonic, 3016 Nashville Road, 99. Holy ...

For the Record


Daniel and Jackie DiOrio and James and Jill Barnhart to Dylan Linke and Kelsey Cooper, Lot 6 MacKenzie ...

For the Record

Building permits

Bowling Green Front Row Properties, 1113 Clay St. (Nick Fuqua), demolition, $10,000. Tony Smith, 612 Park St., site ...

For the Record

Restaurant inspections

Restaurant inspections for Feb. 17-March 5, according to the Barren River District Health Department: Mill House Cafe, 360 East ...

For the Record


Charles and Deborah Huffman to Revivalist LLC, Lot 11, The Estates at Lost River subdivision, $205,000. Estate of ...

For the Record

Building permits

Bowling Green WAKY Signs, 466 Hazen Court (Pinnacle Bank), three new attached illuminated monument signs. Wabuck Development, 108 ...

For the Record


Rebecca Kello to Leah Spurlin, land in deed book 1248, page 740, $187,000. James and Amy Fox to ...

For the Record

Restaurant inspections

Restaurant inspections for Jan. 29-Feb. 20, according to the Barren River District Health Department: Massey Springs Senior Living, 2945 ...

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