
Take nothing for granted and make your voice heard

People’s voting patterns have altered in recent years with many citizens opting to vote early. But the majority ...


Affair reaches new, uncertain period

DEAR ABBY: I have been in love with a married man for more than 16 years. It started ...


Man feels threatened by buddy’s new girlfriend

DEAR ABBY: I’m a gay man who is best friends with “Carl,” a man who is straight. We ...


Sister-in-law’s behavior increasingly unhinged

DEAR ABBY: My sister-in-law “Bethany” has been diagnosed with PTSD from her military service. For the past 15 ...

Letters To The Editor

Protect families, vote no on Amendment 2

Having spent my childhood as a military dependent traveling throughout the U.S. and overseas, I was fortunate to ...

Letters To The Editor

Protect our public schools

This November, Kentucky faces a critical choice. Amendment 2 would change Kentucky’s Constitution to allow state funding for ...


No, everyone doesn’t need to go to college

In his column last week, my good friend and esteemed colleague Gary Houchens asserted a reckoning is coming ...


Getting help, giving help to a writing coach mentor

I received a phone call from a good friend the other day asking for a favor. He usually ...

Our Opinion

Funds for area projects should be boon for future

Abundant government funding is coming in handy for Warren and Butler counties. Millions of dollars to come for ...


Abused sister wants to share her story

DEAR ABBY: I was physically, emotionally and sexually abused by my oldest brother (six years my senior) from ...

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