Kentucky Arts Council offers artist residency program to schools

Teachers across Kentucky can now apply for Teacher Initiated Program grants for short-term artist residencies scheduled for fall 2011. These grants place professional artists in the classroom to give students and teachers hands-on experiences making art. Artists also collaborate with teachers to design and implement innovative programs for incorporating art across the curriculum after the residency is completed.

The focus of residencies can vary widely, depending on the goals of the teacher and expertise of the artist hired for the residency.

“We encourage schools to participate in the Teacher Initiated Program because we have seen how valuable these artist residencies have been in engaging students in the learning process,” said Lori Meadows, executive director of the Kentucky Arts Council. “The arts can also be very helpful in teaching science, technology, engineering and math.”

Grant awards, based on one- to four-week residencies are $540, $1,080, $1,620 and $2,160, respectively. The schools select artists for the residencies from the Kentucky Arts Council’s Arts Education Roster, which is available at

The application deadline is Jan. 15, 2011. Guidelines and applications can be found at For more information about the Teacher Initiated Program, contact Carrie Nath at or 502-564-3757, ext. 486.

The Kentucky Arts Council, the state arts agency, creates opportunities for Kentuckians to value, participate in and benefit from the arts. Kentucky Arts Council funding is provided by the Kentucky General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts.