Featured Artist Christopher J. Kitchens

Mr. Kitchens was born and raised in Bowling Green and has been interested in art in some form or fashion for as long as he can remember.  He commented that he was fortunate enough to have supportive parents.

    “My focus is on painting and drawing and I want to work on some sculptures in the future.  I am a self taught painter outside of Mike Wheeley’s high school classes.  He is a brilliant man” stated Chris Kitchens.

   He said that there was no real connection between his profession and his art.  He does not paint for money, though he said everyone has their price. Chris paints for the fun and passion of it, saying that if he did it for the money then it would become a job and the fire would be lost.

   Chris Kitchens works on illustration board or paper using mixed media of pencil, water color, acrylics, inks, and some airbrushing.  He stated, “I paint the human form. I am very passionate about the human form. I am not a bible thumper, but I am very much a man of God. That being said we were raised to see ourselves as God’s greatest creation, but by the same coin we were told that to show ourselves is wrong. I find this hypocritical; almost a spit in God’s eye. My argument has always been that the first time you see God angry in the bible was when he found Adam and Eve covering themselves in Genesis 3:11.”

“As for my viewers, I am not really sure what they get from it and not to sound rude, I do not paint for them, I paint for myself.  If I painted for my viewers I would be painting things far more common for the area, daisies, cars, barns, ect…”

   Chris stated, “The only things I hope for with my art is that I continue to get better and broader in my work and that maybe someday my kids can be proud of my accomplishments.

   Chris is not into exhibits, but entered the Celebration of The Arts at  the Kentucky Museum in 2008 and walked away with the Best Amateur Painting Award.

  Chris’ favorite quote came while walking the beach on vacation at sunrise in 2008.   “My oldest daughter Cydne said, ‘You know Dad, I’ll bet God is great at arts & crafts’.”

To contact Chris email him at ArtOfCJK@yahoo.com

Ronnie Jaggers is a seasoned sculptor, fine artist and master crafter. Her work can be seen on ChiseledFeaturesStudio.com. She reminds other artists “Trust the beauty of your art, for if you see the beauty, others will too.” To be considered for the featured artist call Ronnie at 791-3505 or email ChiseledFeaturesStudio@yahoo.com