Who’s in charge of rural internet?
Published 8:00 am Saturday, April 8, 2023
Who’s in charge of rural internet?
Who is overseeing the grant and fulfillment of the contracts on rural internet?
I was very excited when the expansion of high-speed rural internet was announced. Now I’m frustrated and angry. I have contacted WRECC, NCTC and Spectrum. WRECC referred me to NCTC. NCTC said Spectrum has the contract for my area. Spectrum has no idea when it will get here. NCTC has a substation 5.8 miles from me. The substation is at approximately 450 Hammett Hill Road. I live on Blue Level Road. I feel like we would be getting it if NCTC had our road. Spectrum is doing nothing for us. I feel like our area has been forgotten. We are a rural area and I wonder what happened to our area. No one could tell me who to contact. I have sent emails to the governor, Rand Paul, Mike Wilson and Brett Guthrie. So far, I have not received any replies. I’m angry that no one seems to know who to contact for answers.
Dorothy Anders