Community Action program can help with utility bills

Published 6:15 am Sunday, July 12, 2020

Community Action of Southern Kentucky will have a little extra funding this year to help families in need with their utility bills.

Community Action agencies across the state are now accepting applications for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which has both a subsidy and a crisis component this year as more federal dollars are available.

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Don Butler, interim executive director of CASK, said the local agency has $259,411 in LIHEAP summer subsidy funds and another $306,087 in summer crisis funding.

Designed to help offset the cost of higher electric bills due to rising temperatures, the program is a resource to help families during the coronavirus public health crisis. Applications will be accepted through Oct. 31 or until funds are depleted.

Butler said the subsidy funds can be used only for electric bills while the crisis funds can be used for any utility bill.

The total of $565,498 is available to all 10 counties served by CASK, and Butler said there is no set amount for each county.

Residents of CASK counties can apply for one or both programs at the local Community Service office in their county. A list of those offices is available on this CASK website: Information is also available by calling the CASK office in Bowling Green at 270-782-3162.

“Our county coordinators will be using telehealth-style methods to schedule appointments for service,” Butler said. “Both the subsidy and crisis components will use 60 percent of state median income to determine eligibility, not percent of poverty.”

Families can call their local office to determine eligibility, Butler said.

A Community Action news release said the LIHEAP subsidy component provides a one-time benefit ranging from $50 to $200. The crisis component is available to eligible households demonstrating a home energy crisis. Benefits will cover the minimum needed to alleviate the crisis, up to $600. Households can reapply each time they experience a crisis situation until they reach their maximum benefit.

Community Action administers LIHEAP in partnership with the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, which receives the funding as a pass-through block grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.