Anna community to get road improvements

Published 8:00 am Friday, October 2, 2020

Two rural Warren County roads that connect to Ky. 185 (Richardsville Road) will soon be getting much-needed improvements, thanks to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet’s Office of Rural and Secondary Roads.

Warren Fiscal Court, at its Sept. 25 meeting, approved an agreement with the KYTC that will provide $251,484 for repaving sections of Anna-Sandhill Road and Lodge Hall Road.

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A 3.267-mile stretch of Anna-Sandhill Road from Ky. 1320 to Ky. 185 will get the new asphalt, as will a 2.806-mile section of Lodge Hall Road from Ky. 185 to Threlkel Ferry Road.

Funds for the repaving are coming through the flex funds account of the Rural Secondary Program, which is funded by 22.2 percent of the state’s motor fuels tax revenue.

These funds are used for the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of secondary and rural roads in each county.

Warren County Fifth District Magistrate Mark Young, whose district takes in the Anna and Richardsville areas, said the flex funds will be going to two roads that need the help.

“Anna-Sandhill Road is about the longest road I have in my district,” Young said. “A lot of people live on that road. Both of these roads are narrow and crooked.”

Young said the county has to set priorities to determine which of its many rural roads will get the state funding for resurfacing.

“We get calls frequently asking when we’re going to blacktop certain roads,” Young said. “We don’t have enough funds to do all of them.”

Wes Watt, public information officer for the KYTC’s District 3 office in Bowling Green, said Warren County won’t receive any additional flex funds this year.

Young said work on the two roads in the Anna area can proceed as soon as the KYTC’s Department of Rural and Municipal Aid releases the funds.

“We’re waiting on release of the flex funds,” Young said. “Then it (resurfacing) should start right away.”