
Famous brownie recipe comes with a warning

DEAR ABBY: I have read that you have a sweet tooth. I do, too. That’s why I’m interested ...


Son a doormat to cheating, abusive wife

DEAR ABBY: Our daughter-in-law is morally corrupt, egotistical and narcissistic. For almost a year she has been blatant ...


What day is it really?

According to National Day Calendar or National Today, there are nearly 1,500 National Days, National Weeks and National ...

Our Opinion

Whitewater park would be great addition for region

Tourism has been a vital part of the southcentral Kentucky economy for decades. The countless visitors to our ...


Tough talk for today’s graduates

This year’s college graduation season has been disrupted by pro-terrorist disorder at elite campuses. Poorly informed, privileged students, ...

Letters To The Editor

Honor both sides on Hospital Hill

On Wednesday, I read with great interest the article, “Effort underway to preserve historic fort atop Reservoir Hill” ...

Letters To The Editor

Supporting Ukraine the right thing

In response to the letter of April 18, “Guthrie ignoring his duty” by Jack Scott, there are important ...

Letters To The Editor

DEI attacks more baseless distractions

I don’t know Mark Doggett, the Western Kentucky University professor whose recent Daily News commentary attacked DEI – ...


A recipe for mediocrity: easier, faster, cheaper

Ever wonder why we seem to be experiencing an epidemic of ineptitude these days? Many professionals just don’t ...

Our Opinion

Effort to preserve historic site worthy of support

Without intervention, historic sites can fall victim to the ravages of time. Such is the case with the ...

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