
Local film being screened in Bowling Green

The Daily News reported April 17, 1931, that a local filmmaker’s movie (which was referred to as a ...



Donald Williams to Mark and Robin Douglas, Lot 2, Donald Williams property subdivision, $23,650. Baker & Hilliard Inc. ...


Trustworthy people do these things

Think about who you trust. Your parents? Your spouse? A handful of friends? What makes you trust those ...


The folklore of plants: Dandelion

Love them or hate them, these golden beauties have a rich and varied lore. Known as “The Peasant’s ...


Petersons celebrate 50th anniversary

Robert and Jeannine Peterson of Bowling Green celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary April 17, 2021. Robert E. Peterson ...


Church news

SPECIAL SERVICES Fairview Memorial Missionary Baptist Church, 1150 Fairview Ave., will have revival at 7 p.m. April 19-21. ...


Christian Family Radio up for award

Bowling Green-based Christian Family Radio has been named a finalist for the 2021 small-market Station of the Year ...


Residents face charges over stolen pork

An article from the April 15, 1940, Daily News tells of a very strange crime that had been ...


Road Scraper smashes cars on 11th Street

At 8:30 a.m., a 22-ton tractor-drawn road scraper demolished two cars parked at the residence of Dr. R.M. ...


Book review: ‘Respectfully Submitted’

“Respectfully Submitted: The Remarkable Literary Clubs of Bowling Green Kentucky” by Jean E. Nehm. Bowling Green: Landmark Association, ...

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