
Published 8:00 am Thursday, September 14, 2023

Farmers Regional Livestock Market, Glasgow

Receipts: 792; Last week: 654

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Feeder Cattle: Steers: Medium and Large 1-2, 451 pounds, $255; 500-501 pounds $248.50-$256; 540 pounds $264 value added; 558-578 pounds $245-$253; 603 pounds $239; 628 pounds $253; 663-690 pounds $230-$233; 723-739 pounds $242.50-$250; 781-785 pounds $241.50-$249; 833 pounds $204; 873-880 pounds $210-$213; Steers (Medium and Large 2), 450 pounds $226; 535 pounds $230; 564-595 pounds $217.50-$221; 648 pounds $217; 675 pounds $210; 720 pounds $210; 773 pounds $218; Steers (Medium and Large 2-3), 475 pounds $206; 750 pounds $200; Dairy Steers (Large 3), 540 pounds $132.50; 710 pounds $145; Heifers (Medium and Large 1-2), 210 pounds $219-$223; 290 pounds $220; 302 pounds $242.50; 375-386 pounds $223.50-$235; 448 pounds $240; 453 pounds $237; 504-521 pounds $232.50-$238; 576-595 pounds $230-$234.50; 606 pounds $236; 665-693 pounds $220-$228.50; 745 pounds $215.50; 750-762 pounds $215-$219.50; 940 pounds $190 Heifers (Medium and Large 2), 450-463 pounds $215-$220; 550-590 pounds $210-$214.50; 645 pounds $188; 656 pounds $205.50; 770 pounds $195; Heifers (Medium and Large 2-3), 386 pounds $171; 795 pounds $163; 720 pounds $199; Bulls (Medium and Large 1-2), 297 pounds $260; 376 pounds $255; 391 pounds $289.50; 450 pounds $250; 530 pounds $239; 591 pounds $230; 600-633 pounds $200-$209; 660-668 pounds $206-$217; 747 pounds $187; 753 pounds $197; 830 pounds $166; 860 pounds $157; Bulls (Medium and Large 2), 456 pounds $235; 515 pounds $215; 588 pounds $215; Bulls (Medium and Large 2-3), 357 pounds $223.50; 448 pounds $200.

Slaughter Cattle: Heifers (Select and Choice), 930 pounds $84 low; Cows (Breaker 75-80 percent), 1410-1610 pounds $100-$109 average; 1445-1720 pounds $110-$120 high; Cows (Boner 80-85 percent), 1120-1395 pounds $100-$109.50 average; 980-1505 pounds $110-$124 high; Cows (Lean 85-90 percent), 830-1280 pounds $90-$103.50 average; 905-1320 pounds $104-$118.50 high; 765-1035 pounds $73-$89 low; 870-1355 pounds $51-$70 very low; Bulls (1-2), 1270-2135 pounds $123-$129 average; 1590-1950 pounds $132-$138 high 1205-1335 pounds $114-$119 low.

Replacement Cattle: Stock Cows (Medium and Large 1-2), 2-4 years old 920-990 pounds $1060-$1225; Bred Cows (Medium and Large 1-2), 2 -4 years old 965-1140 pounds $1110-$1400; 2-4 years old 800-1175 pounds $1075-$1400; 2-4 years old 980-1250 pounds $1310-$1560; 2 -8 years old 935-1090 pounds $950-$1175; 2-8 years old 1020-1305 pounds $1185-$1500;2-8 years old 1165-1182 pounds $1135-$1375; 5-8 years old 1040-1396 pounds $1160-$1450; 5-8 years old 1025-1200 pounds $1035-$1500; less than 8 years old 970-1105 pounds $925-$985; less than 8 years old 910-1270 pounds $835-$1285; less than 8 years old 1050-1475 pounds $1185-$1510; Bred Cows (Medium 1-2), 2-8 years old 960 pounds $1085; 5 -8 years old 850 pounds $950; less than 8 years old 905 pounds $850; Bred Heifers (Medium and Large 1-2), over 2 years old 692-825 pounds $1260-$1400; over 2 years old 895 pounds $1400; 2-4 years old 1065 pounds $1550; Cow-Calf Pairs (Medium and Large 1-2 with 150 pound calf), 2-4 years old 1230 pounds $1410; 2-8 years old 1130-1300 pounds $1525-$1575; 5-8 years old 1160-1565 pounds $1475-$2300; less than 8 years old 1055-1255 pounds $1185-$1425; Cow-Calf Pairs (Medium and Large 1-2 with 150-300 pound calf), 2-4 years old 1500 pounds $2335; 2-4 years old 1350 pounds $1760; less than 8 years old 1255 pounds $1450; Cow-Calf Pairs (Medium and Large 1-2 with less than 300 pound calf), 5-8 years old 1335 pounds $1150; Cow-Calf Pairs (Medium and Large 1-2 with over 150 pound calf), 5-8 years old 930 pounds $1100; Heifer Pairs (Medium and Large 1-2 with over 150 pound calf), 2-4 years old 1135 pounds $1525; Bulls (Medium and Large 1-2), over 2 years old 1120 pounds $1725; 2-4 years old 1020-1955 pounds $1250-$2450.