Coronavirus being used to grab power

Published 8:00 am Friday, July 24, 2020

This letter should be addressed to our mathematically challenged politicians and media. Each day we hear reports of an increased number of new cases of COVID-19, and of course of politicians who want drastic measures to stop the spread.

During the first week in July the number of tests administered was between seven and 10 times the number of tests done on any day in May, nationwide. Simple math: If you test 1 percent of the population and get 1,000 positive cases, then if you test 10 percent of the population, you should have 10,000 positive cases. So, in reality, if the number of new cases has doubled while we are testing 10 times as many people, that means the infection rate has plummeted downward.

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There are only two realistic reasons for politicians to PANIC over the increase in positive cases: 1. They are mathematically challenged and do not understand that this is good news!

2. They are using the raw numbers as an excuse to seize more power that is NOT Constitutionally theirs.

Edmond V. Schwab, Sr.
