Build a Bed shows best of community

Published 9:00 am Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Our town has people who are in need.

It is sad to think that there are people in our community who sometimes go to bed at night without having a meal or wake up wondering where their next meal will come from. There are also people who have no place to live or cozy place to sleep.

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Make no mistake about it, this is a real problem that we shouldn’t turn a blind eye to. As citizens of this community, we have an obligation to ensure that every citizen in need has food and shelter. It’s the right and decent thing to do.

Thankfully, we have people and organizations in our community who reach out and help those in need.

On Saturday, Independence Bank worked with the Housing Authority of Bowling Green and other volunteers to provide more than 40 beds, frames, box springs and bedding to people in need. The beds included 42 twin- and two queen-size mattresses.

The Build a Bed program, now in its second year, delivered more beds this year than last year, when 35 beds were delivered. More than 20 volunteers came out to help this wonderful cause.

Not only is this a very giving, compassionate program, those who receive these beds truly do appreciate them. It must be very rewarding for those involved to be a part of such a wonderful program.

One such person who knows how rewarding the program is is housing authority assistant project manager Joyce Johnson.

Johnson keeps a thank you note from a bed recipient last year that reads, “I love you so much because I never had a bed.” The child’s message is accompanied by two interlocking hearts.

Notes like this make this program all the much more rewarding.

Enough can’t be said about all of those people and businesses involved in helping getting those in need of beds. Through everyone’s selflessness more people in need will have the beds they deserve like everyone else in our community.

We want to praise all of those involved in this worthwhile program.

Your actions truly are making a difference in the lives of so many needy people in our community who have fallen on hard times.