McConnell has responsibility for current mess
Published 6:00 am Sunday, March 23, 2025
Well, well, this is a fine mess!
America voting in the United Nations with dictators to support a terrorist that attacked a sovereign nation. No longer supporting democracy and freedom.
Shutting off funds and aid to programs that support the less fortunate and those that served our country.
A president being guided by a very wealthy man with no moral compass, who says empathy is a weakness. Caring for others is a failure.
A Supreme Court that has some members that have been bought easily.
Just to name a few problems.
All that plagues the United States, at this moment in time, can be placed at the feet of one man. That man is Sen. Addison Mitchell McConnell. Yes, he’s been in the Senate a long time. Yes, he’s old, ill and retiring. He served his country. Add to all his accomplishments, the man that supported the destruction of our nation. He has supported a man unfit to be president.
He has proclaimed this in books and interviews. On a recent interview on 60 Minutes, he admitted the man was unfit to be president, but “he was a Republican and I had to vote for him.” No, Senator McConnell, you didn’t have to vote or support him. You did not have to keep him from being impeached.
You allowed the Supreme Court, the branch of the government that must be above reproach to become a branch that only “OKs”, but does not check or balance. You shielded him from answering for his crimes. Senator, you put your party above the United States of America.
Even when others were brave and challenged this president, you didn’t join them. You condemned them.
The MAGA flags are slowly disappearing, as people have become thoughtful and concerned. But, Sen. McConnell’s reputation and legacy are ruined forever.
Anna Sue Heller
Bowling Green