Assumptions in letter were off base

Published 6:00 am Sunday, March 23, 2025

Last Saturday’s Letters to the Editor had an editorial letter from Eric Wheeler, and I was mentioned, not by name but by my student status at WKU. You see he was writing an admonishment to Dr. Aaron Hughey for what he wrote on the editorial page of the newspaper.

I may be the only person in this city who knows Eric and Dr. Hughey. I have known Eric for 30 years. He lived three doors up from me and I know him even better from the letters he writes to the editor.

I can tell him Dr. Hughey did not indoctrinate me in socialism, propaganda, nor avoidance of the truth. I’m 75 years old and I know what each of these means. I have seen, heard, and read what these vile words mean. Judge for yourself. That’s what I do.

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Dr. Hughey doesn’t need me to mount a defense of him. I’m writing because he dares bring me into his letter because I was a student of Dr. Hughey’s. He was making assumption without any knowledge of who he was misaligning.

Janice Miller

Bowling Green