War mongers got what they wanted
Published 6:00 am Sunday, March 16, 2025
Ukraine has received around $200 billion in cash/weapons with no oversight. These weapons will cost much more to replace. Also, our military was utilized for transporting weapons, providing recon, along with the carrier groups that have been there and more troops sent to Europe.
Russia is not a threat to the EU. Russia knows they cannot defeat the combined EU. These are lies to keep the money-making war going. We were told by EU how Russia manufactures nothing, is nothing but a defunct country, broke, etc., yet they are also about to storm across the EU?
The EU now has hundreds of modern F-35s, nuclear weapons, subs, etc. Why would Russia stupidly attack the EU?
Ukraine bombed the Donbas for years and Donbas asked for Putin’s help for years. Ukraine and the EU lied about the cease fire (Minsk Agreement) and admitted they lied to give Ukraine time to build up the military. Zelenskyy (former actor/comedian known for playing piano with his p***) was put in place by the West as a puppet for war.
The West is just as much responsible for the war, if not 90%.
Imagine if Russia placed nukes in Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela. America would go to war. Russia is in the same position.
I am not a Putin puppet or Russian supporter just an American sick of wars we are funding. A war that could lead to World War III if a mistake is made.
Ukraine can never defeat Russia (and) wouldn’t have lasted but a few months had NATO not supplied cash/weapons. Russian defeat mean nuclear weapons will be released onto Ukraine (and) maybe Europe. So why continue the war? Over a million dead — isn’t that enough for the war mongers? Are you willing to send your kids or family to fight?
Alan Davis
Bowling Green