American life, politics need to transcend divide and conquer attitude
Published 6:00 am Sunday, February 2, 2025
In the “Art of War,” Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu asserted that an enemy can be defeated without firing a shot. That may be what is happening to America.
To win a conflict, Sun Tzu said, use manipulation, deception, and the exploitation of weakness. Tyrannical powers have actively used these techniques against us to create internal chaos and division.
Abraham Lincoln’s speech in 1858 acknowledged internal conflict as a destructive force when he said, “a house divided against itself cannot stand,” echoing Jesus’ parable in Mark 3:25.
In politics, conventional wisdom recommends one should stay silent when the opposition is fighting among themselves. And battles are rarely won through full-frontal assault.
Instead, diversion, sneak attacks and flanking maneuvers are preferred. If you can split the opponent, you win. You would think we have learned that internal division is recipe for disaster. But this is not the case. Only unity of purpose can save us.
Progressives believe that utopia is just around the corner if we only try a little harder, that extreme ideas pushed a little farther will finally work. They believe we will come to love cradle-to-grave entitlements and a state-run economy that provides equal outcomes for everyone.
Alternatively, advocates for the elimination of government, no regulatory control, and isolationism still think prosperity will reign if we just let the invisible hand of the market work. They believe we will all treat each other with respect, dignity and fairness without any state-imposed guardrails.
Neither side seems to understand that human nature is neither capable nor willing to do either. Neither utopia nor revolution are going to save us from ourselves. Continued name calling simply means we are all losing.
America’s enemies prefer to divide us in order to conquer us. There will be no frontal assault. Americans can split ourselves into tribes just fine. China, Russia, and Iran will certainly stay silent while we convince ourselves to hate each other. Divided we will fall, if we haven’t already.
What is the solution? Exactly the opposite of what we are doing. Here are some places to start:
First, encourage more speech, even speech that is offensive or hurtful. The most powerful words are those spoken with respect and transparency. Reasonable voices always prevail. Those who censor are never the good guys.
Second, love your neighbor. Care about your community more than the personality of the politician. Legislators come and go. The family next door is your best protection against the uncertainties of life.
Be an example of the behavior you would like to see in others.
Finally, get off the internet and social media. Read a book. Call a friend. Join a gym. Take a dance class.
Do something productive. Be a maker, not a taker. Learn a new skill. Work with your hands. Help someone. Stop trying to change everyone else. Start a change within yourself.
I believe that doing these things would make a difference. It may not completely heal the current divisions in our culture, but it would certainly lessen a few problems and contribute more to a solution.
— Mark Doggett is a professor in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Western Kentucky University.