Go wild with holiday meals for family and friends

Published 12:40 am Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Kentucky families have many natural options to make delicious and nutritious meals this holiday season including wild turkey, deer, waterfowl and small game, and many types of fish.

The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources provides ideas and resources for Thanksgiving and other holiday meals on its website, fw.ky.gov. Recipes and other resources from the department’s Field to Fork and Hook and Cook programs, feature stories from the Kentucky Afield magazine and TV show, and recipes from other sources for fresh or frozen game are easily accessed through the Learn to Hunt and Wild Game Recipes pages.

“Preparing meals with wild-harvested game and fish fits with today’s natural lifestyle trend and cooking up creative dishes with these ingredients is sure to impress family and friends,” said Rachel Crume, R3 branch manager with Kentucky Fish and Wildlife. “There are plenty of recipes out there, many specifically tailored for wild turkey and deer, which you can easily find on our website.”

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Several hunting seasons are open now or will open on Thanksgiving Day. Fall fishing is an often-overlooked opportunity to harvest fresh protein for healthful table fare. Crappie, trout and striped bass are some of the fish that remain active all year long, providing excellent cold-weather fishing. The annual Fishing Forecast reveals the best lakes to fish across Kentucky. It is available through the department’s website and the Fish Boat KY app, which is available for download from the iTunes App Store or Google Play Store.

Deer hunters who may have experienced a bountiful harvest during the current open seasons can make the holiday better for others by donating their deer to Kentucky Hunters for the Hungry, a statewide hunger relief program dedicated to providing a healthy source of protein to needy Kentuckians. The organization coordinates with deer processors to distribute donated venison to participating food banks and other charities.

The department’s website provides detailed information on the wild game and fish species available for harvest across Kentucky; season dates and requirements; and how to purchase a hunting, fishing, or combination license plus any necessary permits.

Sports Editor, Bowling Green Daily News

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