Endorsement deserves a look

Published 6:00 am Saturday, September 7, 2024

A Christian coalition group recently met in Florida where they invited and extolled their support for former president Donald Trump, a self-professed Christian. That support would seem to suggest that they see in him someone who personifies what they believe Christian principles to be. That would apparently include:

• the utilization of derogatory name calling if used as proficiently as a second language

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• the seeking of personal profit at any cost

• placing value on others based on their appearance, money and blind loyalty

• the nonsense of humility

• the negation of rules and regulations when you consider yourself more important than others; i.e. the principle of some people being above the law

• the relegation of speaking the truth to less important individuals only

• the pardoning of criminals if they are friends, financial supporters or domestic terrorists (stormtrooper patriots) as long as they enhance the person judging them

• intentionally misstating (lying?) and inventing facts when it suits

• the agreeability of threatening national security of millions by hiding secretive documents if they can be of personal use to you later

• the disrespect of women

• xenophobia and racial preferences

• the ready acceptance of deaths consequent to human caused climate change

• being comfortable with bad things happening to some and overlooking the sins of others if expedient for one’s status

• the merit of authoritarians and dictators who severely limit personal liberties (including Christianity)

• anti-empathy

Well consider me updated and schooled.

We can apparently now have all these revised Christian principles, and who knows what additional new and improved pearls, if we all vote “for the last time” for their prophetic candidate this November.

Are we “Christian” enough to join them?

Gary Verst

Bowling Green