We need actions, not words

Published 6:00 am Saturday, August 17, 2024

In a recent interview with Newsmax (I don’t know who they are), Congressman Brett Guthrie said, “Congress must look into the Secret Service’s failure to protect former President Trump.”

Well said. Concur.

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The real question is, as an elected official being paid by our district’s taxpayer dollars, what is being done?

“I’m going to write them a strongly worded letter!”

Or from the movie A Few Good Men — “The defense strenuously objects!”

Or from a comedic skit by Robin Williams, “STOP! OR I’LL YELL STOP AGAIN!

What are you doing? What are the results?

Please. Do something. Earn your wage and stop voting against the interests of your constituents.

Jack Scott

Bowling Green