Many questions surround Amendment 2

Published 6:00 am Saturday, June 15, 2024

Many questions surround Amendment 2

In a recent op-ed in the Daily News (“Amendment a ‘bush hog’ clearing way for education freedom” – June 12), Jim Waters advocated for voting for Amendment 2, calling the funding of private schools with state tax dollars “education freedom.”

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The argument is parents of students attending private school should have their tax dollars follow their children. The questions unanswered or ignored by proponents of the amendment are many. Will private schools be providing classes for, and be open to, special needs students? State law requires transportation be available to special needs students who have no other way to attend school. Will private schools ban special needs students and only allow able-bodied students to attend their school?

Public schools are required to have elected school board officials who are responsible for how funding is spent as well as curriculum. Will private schools, if provided with state tax dollars, fall under the same requirement?

Private schools proponents say “vouchers” will be provided to those students wishing to attend the private school. Who decides which students receive those vouchers? Can a student wishing to attend private school be turned away for race, ethnicity, economic short comings or sexual orientation?

If private schools are provided with state funding, won’t the school be required to adhere to the same open enrollment policies of public schools?

Amendment 2 is too broad in scope and too vague in what will be required. I for one would like more clarification before voting to approve Amendment 2.

Mike Hartz

Bowling Green