Aging couple considers cross-country relocation

Published 6:00 am Friday, June 14, 2024

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I are contemplating moving across the country to be near our daughters. We have lived in our home for 45 years. We are both active and in very good health, but unlike many of our friends, we have no relatives anywhere near us.

We have friends and neighbors who are like family. We are also active in our church and community. Basically, our whole life is here. But we are very close to both of our daughters. We visit two to three times a year and Facetime often. They would be delighted to have us closer.

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While we want to be more involved in their lives (we have four grandchildren), we always said the one of us left would be the one to move. However, as we age, we are thinking we might need to be near them. It has been hard watching all our friends be involved with their families, and we know we have missed a lot of seeing our grandkids growing up. We would welcome any wisdom from you as we try to make this difficult decision. – UNDECIDED IN THE SOUTH

DEAR UNDECIDED: Not every move of the kind you describe is successful. I have heard from many readers expressing that when they arrived in the new community, they discovered that the grandchildren were living full lives with their contemporaries, and the adult children were busy managing their own lives and couldn’t give them the attention they had envisioned.

You have lived happily as part of your community for nearly half a century. Because you feel you are missing out on your grandchildren’s lives, visit them a little more often. But do not expect to suddenly become the center of their and their parents’ lives or you risk sacrificing the happy life you currently enjoy and becoming isolated and disappointed.

A final thought: Before making a hard-and-fast decision about this life-changing scenario, consider RENTING an apartment in the new community for a year so you can see how well you would integrate into it before selling your home. It could save you a world of regret.