Poison, mistaken for cough syrup, causes a stir

Published 8:00 am Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Well-known Sunnyside farmer Tom Kelley learned a valuable lesson in proper storage technique when he haphazardly gulped down poison he had mistaken for cough syrup.

Mr. Kelley’s mishap occurred around 4 a.m. Sunday morning; arguably, the early hour may have contributed to the accident. As foul tasting as cough medicine tends to be, it apparently doesn’t hold a candle to poison, so Mr. Kelley immediately recognized his mistake and sought medical attention.

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The incident left Mr. Kelley no worse for wear, but – hopefully – a little bit more discerning about what he put in his mouth.

— “Way Back When in Warren County” is compiled by researchers at the Warren County Public Library and appears twice weekly in the Bowling Green Daily News. For more information about the library, visit warrenpl.org.