Fincher’s ‘The Killer’ a stylish thriller

Published 8:00 am Thursday, November 16, 2023

If ever a film embodied the spirit of its director, “The Killer” would definitely be that film.

The latest from director David Fincher is a taut little stylish thriller that borrows heavily from some of Fincher’s previous works – “S7ven” and “The Fight Club” to name a few – while adding just enough of a wrinkle to keep it fresh and exciting.

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Michael Fassbender plays the title character, a cold and calculated assassin who excels at what he does while living off the grid to avoid being noticed. When his latest job goes awry, the killer becomes a target with his secret hideout in the Dominican Republic breached and his girlfriend (Sophia Charlotte) left for dead.

The assassin sets out on a quest for revenge, hopping the globe to hunt down the people that came for him.

“The Killer” unfolds like a procedural, a matter-of-fact character study where the character is this unstable force who happens to be very good at one particular thing. Fassbender embodies this character quite well, a performance that is both distant and intimate – with Fincher using narration to establish this character in a relatable fashion (well as relatable as you can get with a cold-blooded assassin).

The film is an adaptation of a graphic novel from Alexis “Matz” Nolent and illustrator Luc Jacamon. While I’m not familiar with the source material, you can sense Fincher has done everything he can to maintain the spirit of that material with a stylish endeavor that keeps it humming along.

Fincher really embraces the stylistic element, helping to lift up material that might have played in a rather mundane and predictable manner in the hands of less talented filmmakers.

While “The Killer” is mostly a one-man show, with Fassbender commanding the audience’s attention in every frame, there is some quality supporting work – particularly Arliss Howard and Tilda Swinton in a small, but memorable role that showcases Swinton’s talents perfectly.

Her appearance in the final third helps “The Killer” find its late push – building to a rather open ended finale that suggests there could be more to the story. While I’m not sure a sequel is necessary, Fincher and Fassbender have certainly left enough meat on the bone that I wouldn’t totally object – especially if you can get something just as stylish and sleek as this.

Starring: Michael Fassbender, Tilda Swinton

Directed by: David Fincher

Rating: R for strong violence, language and brief sexuality

Playing at: Available for streaming on Netflix

Grade: B+