Rural Kentucky and the push for digital access

Published 8:00 am Saturday, July 8, 2023

Next-generation Internet access holds great promise to improve the well-being of Kentuckians across our state, furthering digital access to educational and online tools will transform the lives and communities of rural Kentucky.

As the chair of the Butler County Republican Party, I believe it’s vital for Kentucky’s economy to reestablish the capabilities we rely on to have quality access to the internet and communications to better our lives.

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While we’ve seen strides in improvement over the past several years, there is more needed to close this digital divide for rural Kentucky. A relatively undiscussed, yet necessary component for internet connectivity and wireless communications is spectrum. Licensed spectrum allows the high speed access and low latency that your devices rely on for connectivity. Through this spectrum we are able to enjoy improved networks like 5G that are transforming our lives and enabling new innovations like telehealth and precision agriculture.

Currently, the Federal Communications Commission spectrum has lapsed, which means it is unable to host any more spectrum auctions or grant licenses for new use. While the effects of this change are subtle now, the longer this lapse goes on the more its impact will be felt. Network operators, businesses and consumers will be constrained in their internet capabilities, resulting in more network congestion that will create problems for users, especially in rural Kentucky.

It will not be enough for Congress to reauthorize the FCC’s spectrum authority. Congress needs to clarify a set of spectrum proceedings for the agency to move on so rural Kentuckians are not further limited in their internet connectivity or communications. This would hasten efforts to allow small businesses and entrepreneurs to use this licensed spectrum to be more effectively used by consumers. This is a bipartisan goal that will enable economic opportunity and improve the consumer experience. If reauthorized swiftly, this would reduce the time created by the bureaucratic process by months (if not years) and allow for immediate spectrum deployment to get started as soon as possible.

Digital connectivity in rural Kentucky should not be a pipe dream but a reality for everyone to participate in. Opportunities like enhancing our telemedicine services, bettering our connectivity for online education and even having adequate access to online services are attainable.

The reauthorization of the FCC’s authority to conduct spectrum auctions, coupled with a stream of licensed spectrum to support long-range connections, can help promote the deployment of 5G services in underserved and rural areas. By looking forward and creating opportunities through better policy to combat the digital divide, there will be a brighter future for rural Kentuckians.

– Osei Thomas is chair of the Butler County Republican Party.