Farewell, and thank you
Published 12:15 am Sunday, June 26, 2022
By now, regular readers of the Daily News are probably aware that we recently made the difficult and painful decision to sell this newspaper, which our family has owned for 140 years.
Our long tenure will always be a source of tremendous pride, not only because of the Daily News’ distinction as one of the last locally and family-owned newspapers in the southeastern United States, but especially because it has been our honor to serve the communities of Bowling Green, Warren County and southcentral Kentucky – places we live, work and play, full of people we love and respect.
Although we are handing the reins of the Daily News to the highly capable new owners, Carpenter Newsmedia LLC and Boone Newspapers Inc., we remain steadfast in our belief in the power and necessity of strong community journalism.
Cities and counties that are as prominent statewide and regionally as are Bowling Green and Warren County demand spirited and robust journalism in all its forms: as a watchful eye over public officials and for the common good, as a source of thought- and discussion-provoking opinion, and as a chronicle of the moments that shape our experiences as southcentral Kentuckians.
We genuinely hope you choose to maintain your support of the Daily News. Our family is departing, and that will certainly bring some changes, but our friends and colleagues on the Daily News’ staff will enthusiastically continue the aforementioned pursuits under BNI’s leadership. We are confident that this newspaper and its employees will perform their vital roles for many years to come.
Finally, we wish to express our sincere gratitude to this community, and particularly to our devoted readers and advertisers, for joining us on such a long and unforgettable journey. The memories we have shared, the stories we have documented and the relationships we have built will forever be cherished fondly.
Pipes Gaines, publisher emeritus
Scott Gaines, publisher
Steve Gaines, editor