Brett Hightower

Published 9:36 am Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Relevant experience: I have been in a law enforcement capacity for over 28 years. I retired as a Captain from the Bowling Green Police Department, worked 5 years at the United States Attorney’s Office as the Law Enforcement Coordinator and have now been Sheriff of Warren County for nearly 4 years.

What is your platform? I want to continue to further advance the Office of Sheriff by utilizing technology for tax collections, the identification and reduction of crime and vehicle accidents. The utilization of community partnerships is vital to our overall safety and public trust. I will maintain open communications through community meetings, social media, and an open door policy. In addition, we will maintain a professional organization that represents the diversity and inclusivity of Warren County through our leadership, integrity, and innovation. The safety of our schools, courts, and community are my overarching priorities and we shall ensure that we have deputies and staff that are well trained to do their job to the best of their abilities.

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