We need to lift up others
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 21, 2021
We need to lift up others
I am a volunteer at a local nonprofit that serves the homeless.
I read, with dismay, the recent Daily News article about the destruction of the homeless camp behind Walmart on Morgantown Road. In the past, rather than address the issue, Bowling Green leaders’ response has been to ignore it until someone complains.
The mayor stated in the article that events like this are isolated, and that is just not true. I recently wrote an email to the mayor and city commissioners, suggesting that they invite stakeholders who work with the homeless to the table to work on a solution. Recent data show that homelessness is increasing across our nation. The issue isn’t going to go away. In fact, homelessness is costing the city money when they have to pay workers to clean up camp sites and police officers to patrol those sites. Then, there’s also the time police officers spend on nuisance calls and arrests. It’s also costing the county when they have to house the homeless who’ve been arrested for mostly petty crimes.
During the winter months, many homeless want to be arrested so they can go someplace warm and get three meals a day. Frankly, I’d rather my tax dollars go toward a solution. I’d also suggest including the judge-executive because the homeless issue isn’t just a city problem and including those who are formerly/currently homeless.
There are many factors that lead to homelessness. Our community needs to come together to help lift up those who are hurting and in need. As Jesus commanded, we need to care for the least of these.
Denise Houchins
Smiths Grove