WRECC honors service of those who keep power flowing

Published 1:00 am Sunday, April 12, 2020

In this uncertain time, Warren Rural Electric Cooperative Corp. would like to honor the dedicated men and women who keep the lights on in southcentral Kentucky. We proudly recognize all electric linemen and employees for the services they perform – sometimes in dangerous conditions – to keep power flowing and protect the public’s safety.

Our employees are the first responders of our electric distribution system. They often work around the clock dispatching crews, repairing high-voltage lines and equipment, surveying lines, answering questions and keeping our members informed. Conditions can be dangerous and difficult, but they power through to ensure reliable service for our members.

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This April, Warren RECC invites members to take a moment and thank a co-op employee for the work they do. Because of their efforts, your cooperative is able to provide the safe, reliable electric service you’ve come to depend on.

Kim Phelps

Bowling Green

– Phelps is senior director of communications and public relations for WRECC.