Changes definitely coming to WKU Health Plan

Published 4:23 pm Wednesday, July 16, 2014

When all the Western Kentucky University employees re-enroll in the university’s Health Plan from Nov. 3 through 21, they will be choosing among new health plan options.

That was the message Kari Aikins, assistant director of human resources for WKU, brought to about 300 people today in a standing-room-only meeting in the Mass Media and Technology Center auditorium.

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“This is not a doom and gloom scenario,” Aikins said. “But, we do need you to play a part in the solution.”

The university self-insurance, of which Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield serves as the third-party administrator, does not have a lot of costly claims, Aikins said. Forty percent of the claims are under $500.

However, if the health plan isn’t changed, with those changes to take effect by Jan. 1, 2015, the self-insurance fund could have a “significant deficit,” she said.

In 2013, plan expenses outpaced revenue by $2.053 million, Aikins said.

Being considered are high deductible plans, changes in preferred provider options and options tied to employee wellness. A final decision hasn’t been made yet because those putting together the plans “don’t want to base decisions in 2015 on claims (paid) in 2013,” Aikins said. More definitive information is expected to be released in August and September.

Look for more information on this meeting in Thursday’s edition of the Daily News.

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