Opinion editor was inaccurate in Huddleston headline

Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 22, 2009

I write in response to the letter “Huddleston’s actions are truly shameful,” in Wednesday’s paper.

My reaction on seeing that headline was “here we go,” and I braced myself for a rant. Yet, the content of the letter had nothing to do with the headline. In no part of the letter did the writer pass judgment on Ms. Huddleston. If anything, the letter was a criticism of police who treat public figures differently from ordinary citizens.

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Obviously the editor of the opinion page decided to insert his own opinion into someone else’s letter by creating a sensational headline.

Why? Can’t you keep the paper’s opinions confined to the section of the page where they belong? If you want to take a swipe at Judge Huddleston, write an editorial. Don’t slap outrageous and misleading headlines on someone else’s letter. That’s just poor journalism.

Margaret Huddleston is a kind person who, like many people, made a simple mistake. Her public profile means that unlike many who are lucky enough to be able to keep their mistakes private, her life will be unfairly dragged through the mud. If the Daily News opinion editor wants to join in, do it honestly in an editorial.

Andrew McMichael

Bowling Green