Featured Artist Joe Dudley Downing 1925 – 2007

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 9, 2008

Internationally renowned native son Joe Downing holds the distinction of being one of three Americans to exhibit work at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.

His art has been exhibited in France, Sweden, Italy, Canada, Mexico, Germany, and other countries. He has had exhibitions in Owensboro, Bowling Green, Louisville and Horse Cave, as well as Cincinnati, New York, Chicago, Charleston, West Virginia, Atlanta, and Seattle. Mr. Downing has permanent collections of his works in such museums as the Smithsonian Institution and the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, as well as WKU’s Kentucky Museum and Library in Bowling Green, the Speed Museum in Louisville and the Owensboro Museum of Fine Art and around the world in the Paris Museum of Modern Art and in Belgium, Luxembourg, Israel, Australia, and Canada

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Born in Horse Cave, Joseph Dudley Downing lived his last forty years in the village of Menerbes in the Provence region of France. Downing served in the United States Army, during World War II where he visited Paris and fell in love with France. He kept an apartment and studio in Paris until his death. Downing’s brother, George, was the last to talk to him before his death. George told family members that Downing had commented that he had no regrets and loved every moment of his life, but he had remorse because he didn’t get to see his family very often.

Mr. Downing attended Western Kentucky University and was encouraged by none other than Ivan Wilson. He went on to Northern Illinois College of Optometry in Chicago as his parents were hoping to steer him toward a “worthy career” although he was already in love with art and took classes at the Chicago Art Institute. After his graduation in 1950, he took a small vacation in Paris and found he could not leave. Joe Downing had his first one-man show that was attended by Pablo Picasso, who after admiring his work said, “well done”. Collectors around the world own Downings work.

His contemporary art style is abstract with brilliant colors done not only on canvas. He painted on animal bones, leather, terra cotta roof tiles, wood and other materials as well. Mr. Downing was also a writer and published two books of poetry and articles about the art world.

Each year the Capitol Arts Alliance hosts the Jack E. Lunt Memorial Exhibit. This year, they are proud to be exhibiting Joe Downing’s works. Mr. Jerry Baker is sponsoring this show and sharing with us his collection of Joe Downing’s paintings. The exhibit started September 16th and runs through October 6, 2008 at the Ervin G. Houchens Gallery on the square in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Also, this year the Joe Downing Museum will be opening as a featured part of the Jerry Baker Home and Arboretum in Bowling Green.

There are also many sites on the web where you can learn more about Mr. Joe Dudley Downing and view his lifetime of creating art. I especially liked the online exhibit from WKU’s Kentucky Museum and Library at www.wku.edu/Library/onlinexh/jd/bio.html

Ronnie Jaggers is a seasoned sculptor, fine artist and master crafter. Her work can be seen on ChiseledFeaturesStudio.com. She reminds other artists “Trust the beauty of your art, for if you see the beauty, others will too.” To be considered for the featured artist call Ronnie at 791-3505 or email ronnie@ChiseledFeaturesStudio.com